Spectrum Merger

can be used to consolidate .raw files where separate id- and quan-scans have been recorded for each precursor.

Download and Installation (Standalone version)

Download the standalone version. A manual is included.

Download and Installation (Node)

  1. Save all your files and shutdown Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer.
  2. Download the node’s DLL (for PD 1.3.x)
  3. Copy the downloaded DLLs to the Proteome Discoverer Release folder, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Thermo\Discoverer Demo 1.3\System\Release"
  4. For each DLL: Right-click the DLL, open its properties window and click the Unblock botton, if available.
  5. Open a command prompt and navigate to the Proteome Discoverer Release folder.
  6. Enter “Thermo.Magellan.Server –install” (without the quotes).
  7. You should see the message, indicating that the installation worked sucessfully: "INFO - ProcessingNodeManager: Node: Post Search Mass Recalibrator registered"


The SpectrumMerger Node can be used to consolidate .raw files where separate id- and quan-scans have been recorded for each precursor. This is done by detecting for each precursor the two scans belonging together and merging the reporter ion area from the quan-scan into the id-scan. The merging is done by copying a selected m/z-range from the id-scan overwriting a selected m/z-range in the quan-scan. As theSpectrumMerger node is directly integrated into the PD workflow, the merged spectra can directly be used for further processing, e.g. performing a database search or exporting the spectra.


Simply include the SpectrumMerger node into a workflow, preceded by a Spectrum Source (e.g. Spectrum Selector or another spectrum manipulation node) and followed by the search node, or another spectrum manipulation node.

Figure 1: Example workflow using the SpectrumMerger node

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