A program to manage your Proteome Discoverer Nodes.
This software has been developed to be used with the Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer software, version 2.1.x and 2.3.x, although it should work with most versions. It uses a graphical user interface to display currently installed nodes and to download and update nodes from various sources.
Just start the Node-Manager.exe to open the graphical user interface.
A text manual for the installation and the usage can be found here.
Make sure, that the Node-Manager is always installed in a subfolder of your Proteome Discoverer installation (where "Thermo.Discoverer.exe" is). Otherwise, the Node-Manager will not show you your installed nodes and cannot start Proteome Discoverer!
If you're not interested in the version of your nodes displayed by Proteome Discoverer (the "PD Version" column), just uncheck "Read PD Attributes" in the settings. It will significantly improve the speed of the Node-Manager.